



类别:环保治理来源:华星东方2025-03-11 17:18:46

the first phase has taken 1x600t/d mechanical grate furnace. flue gas cleaning adopts the treatment process


类别:环保治理来源:华星东方2025-02-28 17:10:57

the total plant processing capacity is 1200 t/d. 2x600 t/d mechanical grate incineration lines are constructed


类别:环保治理来源:华星东方2025-01-13 16:31:24

+1×12mw pure condensing turbine. flue gas treatment adopts the flue gas cleaning process of "semi-dry...hepts reference in hunan includes: the phase ii&iii projects in changde, projects in shimen, shaoyang

类别:工业废水来源:格润内泽姆2025-01-08 09:14:45

energy hydrocarbon(印度)包9 - a hak(荷兰)包10与14 - nesma & partners(沙特) / sicim(意大利)包11 - max streicher(德国...格润内泽姆负责mgs项目的污水处理系统,工艺流程为:sanitary,sewage—mechanical, grille—equalization tank—anaerobic,thember—anoxic


类别:环保治理来源:华星东方​2024-12-25 16:49:59

boiler + one 10mw steam turbine generator set. the flue gas cleaning adopts the flue gas treatment process...the flue gas cleaning project of jianshui household waste incineration power generation plant in honghe

迎合作 新机遇ㅣ华星东方代表团赴日本开展参观交流活动

类别:环保治理来源:华星东方2024-12-23 18:17:50

capacity of 70 tons per day. the whole process of the center from garbage collection, incineration treatment


类别:烟气脱硫来源:华星东方2024-12-13 16:36:17

collector + fly ash transportation, storage and stabilization process", which is an epc project by huaxing


类别:烟气脱硫来源:华星东方2024-11-29 17:30:48

technical specification of sodium-alkali wet process flue gas deacidification system for wte plant dl...acceptance test of waste power plant" (dl/t 2819-2024), "technical regulations for the sodio-alkali wet process


类别:烟气脱硫来源:华星东方2024-11-27 15:35:17

progress for "htcd efficient new low-carbon process"....during this industry event, our independent research and development of "htcd efficient new low-carbon process


类别:环保治理来源:华星东方2024-11-01 08:39:59

day equipped with 1x500t/d incinerator +1×14mw steam turbine generator set. the flue gas cleaning process..., shaoyang, wugang shaoyang, hengyang, changning hengyang and many other projects.


类别:环保治理来源:华星东方2024-10-31 15:11:55

research and development design, processing, manufacturing and testing. the products cover industrial


类别:环保治理来源:华星东方2024-10-31 10:55:26

of municipal sludge and 30t/d of oversized garbage. flue gas treatment adopts the flue gas cleaning process


类别:环保治理来源:华星东方2024-10-31 09:00:16

carbon spray system + bag dust collector + fly ash transportation, storage and stabilization process...incinerator with 1×12mw condensing turbine generator set. flue gas treatment adopts the flue gas cleaning processes


类别:环保治理来源:华星东方2024-09-30 13:49:23

treatment lines. the original flue gas treatment includes the treatment process of "sncr+ semi-dry method...method + activated carbon spraying + bag material of dust collector". the upgrading flue gas cleaning processes


类别:环保治理来源:华星东方2024-09-01 15:00:39

treatment lines. the original flue gas treatment includes the treatment process of "sncr+ semi-dry method...method + activated carbon spraying + bag material of dust collector". the upgrading flue gas cleaning processes


类别:烟气脱硫来源:华星东方2024-08-31 14:16:25

the processing capability of this waste incinerator kit is 1×300t/d. the flue gas treatment includes"sncr...deacidification + 2#ggh + sgh + scr+catalyst" + fly ash transportation, storage as well as steady processes


类别:烟气脱硫来源:华星东方2024-08-30 18:06:39

generator with reserved plot for the second phase. flue gas treatment includes the flue gas cleaning process


类别:环保治理来源:华星东方2024-07-31 13:31:29

mechanical grate waste incineration boiler +1xn6mw steam turbine generator set.the fgc adopts the treatment process


类别:环保治理来源:华星东方2024-07-30 17:29:38

the project is designed to process 1200 tons of household waste per day, with the construction of 2 ×


类别:烟气脱硫来源:华星东方2024-07-29 16:06:01

injection system+bag filter+fly ash transportation, storage and stabilization process" is adopted for...mechanical grate waste incineration boiler and 1 × 12mw steam turbine generator set. the flue gas cleaning process

《城市生活源废塑料化学循环项目报告》 发布!

类别:再生资源来源:科茂化学回收研究院2024-07-22 10:42:43

种不同类别软塑料)、三次化学循环中试制取塑料热解油、加氢精制中试及产物全面检测等环节,具体流程图如图1-1所示:图1-1 生活源废塑料化学循环工艺流程fig.1-1 chemical recycling process


类别:工业固废来源:华星东方2024-06-28 17:27:20

dust removal project. the flue gas treatment adopts the flue gas cleaning process of "sncr+sda semi-dry


类别:烟气脱硫来源:华星东方2024-06-28 13:49:15

gas treatment adopts the flue gas cleaning process of "(sncr+scr) combined denitrification + dry flue...the flue gas cleaning project of jiali rice husk carbon-heat co-production waste heat boiler constructed


类别:环保治理来源:华星东方​2024-05-31 16:08:18

the project is designed to process 400 tons of domestic waste per day and is equipped with a 1×400t/d


类别:烟气脱硫来源:华星东方2024-05-30 11:18:52

the total processing capacity of this project is 1200t/d, and a 2x600t/d mechanical grate waste incineration


类别:烟气脱硫来源:华星东方2024-05-29 14:57:31

gas treatment adopts the flue gas cleaning process of "(sncr+scr) combined denitrification + dry flue...province started by our company on december 1, 2023.本期工程为新建1*20t/h稻壳炭热联产余热锅炉。

嘉戎技术:聚焦高难废水处理 成就技术创新型企业!

类别:工业废水来源:北极星环保网2024-05-08 15:48:03

厦门嘉戎技术股份有限公司董事长 蒋林煜(右)扎根技术研发,完善膜组件全产业链业务嘉戎技术自2009年开启膜技术开发与应用的征程后,与德国memos、德国rochem等国际知名膜技术企业迅速达成战略合作,...2011年,嘉戎技术首套采用工业膜技术设计的50m/d垃圾渗滤液dtro系统完成交付。


类别:烟气脱硫来源:华星东方2024-04-30 16:21:56

the project is designed to process 400 tons of domestic waste per day and is equipped with a 1×400t/d


类别:投资建设来源:华星东方2024-04-23 16:15:57

the design scale of this project is to process 600tonnes of household waste per day, equipped with 1x600t


类别:市政污水来源:个人投稿2024-04-10 14:00:26

关键词:cass升级改造;ao-mbrdesignof a2o-mbr processfor cass pool expansion and reconstructionabstract: in view...the existing facilities, redistribute the original cass tank in phase i, transform it into a2o-mbr process
