

  • 水处理

屌爆天!川普墙用垃圾盖? 带来大生意的设计方案横空出世!

2017-02-04 09:01来源:SPAMALL关键词:建筑垃圾工业垃圾建筑垃圾再利用收藏点赞



3. 黑理想国


Not-Wall Wall s a new sense of reality. An experience one can only  conceive in an international airport without flights. The essence of  international flight is a situation where a passport/visa permits a coexistence  that is equally protected and supported, even if temporarily so. If the  airplanes were to changed to museums, malls, theaters, stadiums, Bank, Bund,  Apple, Disney, NYU, Alibaba University, we would immediately enjoy a heterotopia  of departed cultures, and an emporium which doesn't need an emperor, like Trump  himself, but an minister of tax-return and consulate for multi-entry visas.

The Wallopolis will include all the urban models in the history of utopia,  becoming a promenade of unachieved utopia. btw, Trump's Presidential Library  will be built within the Wallopolis.

4. 能源农场。


5. EB5大世界

【川普墙】是EB5王国。过去三年美国通过EB5吸引移民39,000例,创造非直接就业390,000位,引进海外资金20billionUSD.  于是EB5地域中心也成为唯一能解决这种规模项目的操作方式,也会把川普墙造就成为EB5的大世界,美好大世界:解决大量美国人民就业,移民合法化,还不用政府预算。  【川普墙】项目总建造量为2千万平方米。如果川普积极推行移民政策,把三年的配额增加五成。川普将会在第一任期内完成。对,4年!将会解决70万个美国人民的就业。(和马云的100万有些差距)。不过,如果墨西哥政府在边境为川普墙作土地配置批租,根据计划的产业范畴在川普墙内建设生产基地,以及免税区及自贸区建设,将会解决至少30万墨西哥人的就业。从而减少非法移民及毒品运输企图和生态。

EB5 is inarguably the most aggressive global construction and immigration  project. It may well be the only way to get Wallopolis built. In Past three  years, the US government has approved 39K petitions, resulting in 400k indirect  jobs and 20 billion dollars investment. If Trump ramps up this program, in his  term he may get it built with 700k job for the US. If he also accepts Mexico  government's land loan to build the wallopolis (special economic zone with tax  incentive policy) and construction of manufacturing facilities within the plan  industries, it will increase employment rate in Mexico, with as Mexico workers  or legal Mexican immigration, roughly by 300k. Jack Ma may not be totally  bullshiting us.


基坑弃土 产量大,物理组成简单 组成地基部分

废弃建筑材料 产量大, 物理组成复杂 高墙体组成部分

废弃集装箱 便于运输改造,内部空间充足 中墙体组成部分

废弃轮胎 耐高温, 防水有弹性 低墙体组成部分


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