

  • 水处理


2017-04-19 13:52来源:周周向上作者:周永峰关键词:汞污染污染场地修复土壤汞污染收藏点赞



Period of Operation//项目执行时间

November 15, 2000 to April 29, 2001

Cleanup Type//清理类型

Bench Scale//小试


Three stabilization technologies were used for immobilizing mercury in sulfide mine waste materials from the Sulfur Bank Mercury Mine (SBMM) site. The three technologies are listed below://采用稳定化技术处理SBMM场地硫化矿废料中的汞,共试验了三种技术,如下:


-- Developed by E & C Williams, Inc.//开发公司(略)

-- Uses inorganic sulfide reagent to target heavy metals. The treatment forms permanent bonds between the reagent surface and heavy metals//向目标重金属施用无机硫化物药剂,在药剂表面和重金属之间形成永久性结合

-- Used a proprietary sonic drilling rig to inject the reagent. Two rigs were used concurrently to inject the reagent directly into the waste pile at 15-foot intervals//采用声波钻机注入药剂,两台钻机同时工作,以15英尺间距将药剂直接注入废料堆

KEECO’s Silica Micro Encapsulation (SME) process//SME工艺

-- Developed by Klean Earth Environmental Company (KEECO)//开发公司(略)

-- Encapsulates metal in an impervious microscopic silica matrix, which eliminates the adverse effects of the metal on human health and the environment//将重金属封闭在不渗透硅石基质微观结构中,以此消除对人体健康和环境安全的不利影响//“ impervious microscopic silica matrix”如有更好译法,请指正

-- A modified ex situ process in which material is removed from its location for treatment at an adjacent on-site facility. The material is mixed with the reagent at the on-site facility and then returned to the site where it is replaced and compressed in place.//该工艺经调整后可原址异位实施,将药剂与受试材料在邻近的场内设施中混合,之后送回原场进行替换和压缩//通过下文判断,该工艺既可原位也可异位//此处或有问题,请指正

Generic Phosphate treatment//普通磷酸盐处理技术

-- Forms insoluble phosphate salts containing the contaminant//生成容纳污染物的不溶性磷酸盐

-- Phosphates stabilize metals by chemically binding them into new stable phosphate phases, such as apatites, and other relatively insoluble phases in the soil//通过化学结合将磷酸盐与重金属转化为新的稳定态磷酸盐(如磷灰石),或转化为在土壤中难溶的其他形态

Cleanup Authority//清理机构

-- EPA’s Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) program

-- Mine Waste Technology Program (MWTP)


Heavy Metals//重金属

-- Mercury: Mercury concentrations ranged from 312 to 1360 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) in the mercury ore and 130 to 447 mg/kg in the waste rock//汞:汞矿中浓度312-1360mg/kg;废石中浓度130-447mg/kg

Waste Source//废弃物来源

Historic mining activities at the site//采矿历史遗留

Type/Quantity of Media Treated//介质类型及处理量

Waste Material (quantity not provided)//废料(数量未提供)

Purpose/Significance of Application//目的与意义

To determine the effectiveness of three stabilization technologies for immobilizing mercury in waste rock material, thereby reducing leachable mobile mercury in the effluent.//确定三种技术对废石中汞的稳定效果,从而减少(湖泊)流出水中可浸出的移动态汞//effluent暂判断为克利尔湖的流出物(流出水),如有不妥请指正

Regulatory Requirements/Cleanup Goals//要求与目标

To achieve a 90% reduction in the total mass of mercury leached from each treatment (relative to the control) over a 12-week continuous column leaching study//在12周的连续柱浸试验研究中,每种处理技术的汞浸出质量(与控制柱相比)应降低90%

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