

  • 水处理

《自然》跨年热点 荷德团队发现新菌 终结百年氮循环教条

2016-03-02 10:51来源:奥尼卡水处理创新部落作者:瓦村农夫关键词:氮循环硝化菌硝化过程收藏点赞



文章最后,我想分享一下我和在自来水处理厂发现了这个COMAMMOX的英国格拉斯哥团队的第一作者,有着副教授头衔的Ameet Pinto的邮件交流。

2016年1月7号,我给刚搬到美国波士顿的他email了一个问题:“May I know how you would interpret the importance of this discovery and its long-term influence in the wastewater industry?” 用粗俗的话解释就是说,你觉得这发现对污水处理有毛影响吗?虽然这个人是研究自来水的…但他的回复和我也算是想到一个点上了——那就是COMAMMOX和ANAMMOX的竞争性。以下是他回复的原文:

Indeed comammox is an exciting discovery and I think will have implications for nitrogen management. From a wastewater perspective, I think for now the focus may be on understanding how comammox may affect short-cut nitrification/denitrification processes and also trying to better understand the interactions between comammox and canonical AOB/AOA and NOB as well as anammox. It is really difficult to say more than this without appropriate experiments involving N balance in these systems.

My particular interest is in drinking water and nitrification is very important. Within the drinking water plant comammox can be a positive influence in terms of ammonia removal, but in the distribution system it may affect the stability of disinfectant residual in chloraminated systems.I am quite interested in this and my group will certainly be focussing on this heavily in the near future. Who know what else will be discovered!

如果你的研究方向和他相似,尽可以跟他联系,他的推特账号是@watermicrobe,email是 a.pinto@neu.edu


原标题:《自然》跨年热点 - 荷德团队发现单步硝化菌,终结百年氮循环教条
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